
(Please note: in planning matters the Council acts as the consultee of the Principal Authority. The Principal Authority being the deciding body) As a Parishioner you can comment on applications personally via the Principal Authority.

Plain English Guide to Planning

The Plain English Guide to Planning provides a clear and easy-to-understand overview of the planning process within the First Tier of Local Government. This guide breaks down complex planning concepts into simple terms, making it accessible for all residents and stakeholders. By following this guide, individuals can better understand the planning decisions that impact their community and how they can get involved in the process. Whether you are a resident, business owner, or community leader, this guide will help you navigate the planning process with confidence.

How to respond to planning applications

When responding to planning applications within the First Tier of Local Government, it is important to carefully review the details of the proposal and consider any potential impacts on the local community. This may involve consulting with residents, businesses, and other stakeholders to gather their feedback and concerns. It is also crucial to familiarize yourself with the relevant planning policies and guidelines to ensure that any decision made is in line with the overall vision for the area. By taking a thorough and thoughtful approach to planning applications, you can help shape the future development of your community in a positive and sustainable way.

Place Responsive Design for Solar

Implementing responsive design for solar initiatives at the first tier of local government is crucial for ensuring that all residents have access to clean and sustainable energy solutions. By prioritizing the development of solar infrastructure that can adapt to different devices and screen sizes, municipalities can effectively communicate the benefits of solar energy to their communities and encourage widespread adoption. This approach not only improves the user experience for residents seeking information on solar programs and incentives, but also demonstrates a commitment to accessibility and inclusivity in promoting renewable energy resources.

Solar CPRE

CPRE Solar design in the context of the First Tier of Local Government focuses on promoting sustainable and efficient solar energy solutions for communities. By working closely with local authorities, CPRE Solar design aims to encourage the integration of solar panels in buildings and infrastructure to reduce carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuels. This initiative not only helps to combat climate change but also creates opportunities for local governments to lead by example in adopting renewable energy practices.

Dark Skies

The Parish Council supports Dark Skies “Development should be designed to conserve and enhance the intrinsic quality of dark night skies. Outside lighting which is proposed to be installed should be fully shielded and not exceed a correlated colour temperature (CCT) of 2700K. Any lighting in or adjacent to the buffer zone of the International Dark Sky Reserve on Cranborne Chase AONB should meet or exceed the level of protection appropriate to Environmental Zone E1 (as defined by the Institution of Lighting Professionals).” Rationale for this is NPPF 185: (c) limit the impact of light pollution from artificial light on local amenity, intrinsically dark landscapes and nature conservation

Planning Advice

The Planning Portal recommends the following links for parishioners -The Portals direct link to your Local Development Framework documents. A basic guide for small businesses to the procedures of the planning system and how to apply for planning permission. Apply here to make an online planning application. Find planning and building regulations guidance including case studies on many common projects in the home here. Explore the interactive house for guidance on many common householder projects. Explore the interactive terrace for guidance relating to flats, shops and basements as well as many common projects in England.


The local planning authority Wiltshire Council notifies all planning applications that affect the Parish Council for their consideration and comment.

Horningsham Parish Council, as a statutory consultee of Wiltshire Council  is then asked to comment on all planning applications within the Parish.

The Parish Council is consulted for its local knowledge but does not determine a Planning Application, we are a statutory consultee.

This is the role of the planning committee at Wiltshire Council made up of Councillors or sometimes by the planning officers using delegated powers. Their decisions are based upon Planning Policies set out in the Local Plan, Planning Policy Statements (PPS) and Government Guidance.

Wiltshire Council must take into account, but not necessarily follow, the views or recommendations of the Parish Council.
The Parish Council's comments upon individual planning applications considered at meetings are normally included in their minutes which are available on the Documentation page.

The Parish Council has the right (separate from supporters & objectors) to speak at the planning meetings if they feel strongly enough about a particular development.

How do I view the plans?

Details of planning applications affecting a property are posted up in public by the planning authority close to that property.

Full details of planning applications also appear on Wiltshire Council web site, and you can also make comments on applications through this site.

Online through the Wiltshire Council planning website

At local libraries or Wiltshire Council local offices

Wiltshire Council Planning Search Portal

What do I do if I have an interest or want to object to a Planning Application?

First you must view the plans and supporting documentation.

If you wish to object you must write to, or email Wiltshire Council and send a copy to the Parish Clerk so that we are aware of your views.

Wiltshire Council have provided some guidance on commenting on applications and this PDF document is available on their website.

Updated versions may also be on the Wiltshire Council website.

If you need help contact Wiltshire Council who can advise you of relevant procedures.

Unless you have valid planning reasons, your letter will be wasted.

Listed below are reasons for objecting to a particular application:

  • Highways – access/roads unsuitable for the development (where access is a relevant consideration).
  • Loss of light – dependent on the size/siting of the development to a neighbouring property’s principal windows (can they be directly looked into?)
  • Design/size/scale/materials of proposal in relation to the existing property, neighbouring properties and general location.
  • Effect on/loss of protected trees or listed buildings
  • Setting listed buildings on Conservation Area.
  • Noise, fumes, smell or loss of privacy.
  • Risk of flooding as a result of the proposal.
  • Loss of a valuable facility if dealt with in the local plan.

Things which are not normally planning considerations include:

  • Loss of view/aspect.
  • Personal matters relating to the specific applicant.
  • Changes to land/property values.
  • Personal taste with respect to the proposal.

The examples listed above are definitive but not comprehensive and are a guide to assist in the preparation of letters or statements of support or opposition.

The following website has more information and guidance on planning applications -

If you do wish to object there is a lot of excellent guidance on the internet. Some from specific website and some in the form of booklets.

Here is an example. HowtoobjecttoaplanningapplicationEbook.pdf

 You may also make comment to the Parish Council at the appropriate meeting, but the Council is not obliged to pass on any such comments to the planning authority. 

The Parish Clerk will be able to tell you when a particular application is due to come before the Parish Council.

Contact details for Horningsham Parish Council Clerk are available on the contact us website page.

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