Who we are

The Council Team are the first tier of governance in Horningsham Parish

Parish councillors have a dual role:-

  • They represent the views and concerns of the 
    residents of the parish to the parish council itself and, through it, to the unitary authority;
  • They report back to residents on issues affecting the parish.

The formal part of these roles, especially the first one, is carried out by attending meetings and corresponding with the parish clerk. The parish council might have committees and even sub-committees. This is more likely to be the case in larger councils. Individual 
councillors do not have, and cannot be given, powers to make decisions on behalf of the parish council. This 
applies to the chairman as much as to the other 
councillors, although the chairman does have personal responsibilities in connection with the running of formal meetings.

The less formal part of these roles of listening and talking to people, including the local elected members of the district, county or unitary council, will almost 
certainly take up more of the councillor’s time. However, it is important to remember that “rules of behaviour” 
apply whenever activities of being a parish councillor are being undertaken.

The requirement to complete a register of interests is a crucial element of complying with the code of conduct. In rural parishes, and those centred on smaller settlements in particular, the risk of councillors being affected by disclosable pecuniary or other interests can be quite high. Also, it can be difficult to maintain an appropriate distance from local lobby or campaign groups. This is most likely to be the case in planning matters, an issue that should engage particularly those councillors who are also elected members of the local planning authority.

Horningsham Parish Council 
A snippet of the history of Horningsham to set the scene of this Community - the village forms part of the Longleat Estate which is owned by the Marquis of Bath. It is mentioned in the Domesday Book as having one cottager and four small holders and covering c 120 acres.  At this time Horningsham had an estimated population of 25, peaking at 1,323 in 1831. Until 1939 Horningsham was largely self-sufficient. The parish now has a population of 327 people with 5 farms and a pub, but no village shop.  The main employers are Longleat Estate & Safari Park and Centre Parcs, with a few home workers and small businesses and many working outside the village.  Last updated  08.07.24

The Council Team 

The Parish Clerk/ Responsible Finance Officer 

f you have a problem or concern about something locally, just get in touch with the Parish Clerk and she will be able to advise you as to how you should proceed. It may be that it is something that the Parish Councillors can do or it may be that a particular issue needs to be raised with another body. Whatever the way forward, the Parish Clerk will be able to offer you advice. In the meantime, if you have something you’d like to tell the Parish Council about just contact the Clerk. The Clerk is available Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 4.00pm.

Email clerk@horningshamparishcouncil.gov.uk 

Councillor Annemarie Green

Telephone: 01985 844273

Portfolio Holder: Village Hall Representative and freedom of Information and General Data Protection Regulations Committee member.

Email Annemarie Green cllr.agreen@horningshamparishcouncil.gov.uk

Chairman Councillor Elizabeth Glover 

Telephone: 07872574456

Portfolio Holder:  Staffing Committee 

Email Elizabeth Glover cllr.lglover@horningshamparishcouncil.gov.uk

Councillor Amy Grafton-Mitchell

Telephone: 07805940517

Portfolio Holder: Staffing Committee

Email Amy Grafton-Mitchell Cllr.agrafton-mitchell@horningshamparishcouncil.gov.uk

Vice Chairman Councillor Stephen Crossman

Telephone: 01985 844333

Portfolio Holder: Asset Maintenance, Health & Safety Checks on the assets and the Litter Pick Co- Ordinator. 

Email Stephen Crossman cllr.scrossman@horningshamparishcouncil.gov.uk


Applications welcomed see  Co-option page for the application form or email clerk@horningshamparishcouncil.gov.uk  Closing date for Applications 1st September 2024.

Councillor Matt Simpson 

Telephone: 07776 027992

Portfolio Holder: Community Emergency Volunteer,

Rights of Way Representative, Neighbourhood Watch Representative, Community Emergency Representative.

Email Matthew Simpson cllr.msimpson@horningshamparishcouncil.gov.uk

Councillor Paul Jones

Telephone: 01985 844016

Portfolio Holder: Staffing Committee and Freedom of Information and General Data Protection Regulations Committee.

Email Paul Jones cllr.pjones@horningshamparishcouncil.gov.uk

Councillor Ken Windess

Telephone: 01985 845002

Portfolio Holder: Defibrillator Co-ordinator, Grant Awarding Co-ordinator and Highways Representative.

Email Ken Windess cllr.kwindess@horningshamparishcouncil.gov.uk

Councillor Steven Seals

Telephone: 01985 845358

Portfolio Holder: Climate Representative.

Email Steven Seals Cllr.sseals@horningshamparishcouncil.gov.uk

Councillor John Radley

Telephone: 0745652767

Portfolio Holder: Play Area Health and Safety Checks.

Email John Radley cllr.jradley@horningshamparishcouncil.gov.uk

Councillor George Williamson

Telephone: 01985 844267

Portfolio Holder:  Staffing Committee and Freedom of Information and General Data Protection Regulations Committee.

Email George Williamson cllr.gwilliamson@horningshamparishcouncil.gov.uk

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