Strategic Documentation

Ensuring Effective Governance - Note all policies are reviewed Annually at the May meeting 

Standing Orders

A parish council is generally not required by law to make Standing Orders which regulate how they conduct their business. However, the basic provisions in the Local Government Act 1972 (and other legislation) are insufficient for the majority of parish councils. Standing Orders are therefore necessary for regulating the practical
 arrangements to give effect to statutory requirements.

Where Standing Orders are adopted, it is preferable that they include any statutory requirements for procedures. This avoids the need for separate referencing to legislation. Any Standing Orders adopted by a council must not have the effect of overriding or conflicting with requirements that are laid down by legislation. Once Standing Orders which are additional to those which reflect statutory requirements have been made, a parish council is bound to observe and comply with them (unless they vary or suspend them by resolution).

Financial Regulations

Arrangements for proper administration of financial affairs

Parish councils are subject to various Accounts and Audit Regulations made pursuant to the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014.

Financial control arrangements for local authorities are normally given the title ‘financial  
regulations’. Whatever the size of a parish council’s budget and annual expenditure, it is 

essential that robust financial controls and checks are built in to its governing arrangements.

Action Plan

An action plan is a detailed plan outlining specific steps or activities that need to be taken in order to achieve a particular goal or objective. In the context of the First Tier of Local Government, an action plan may include initiatives to improve public services, enhance community engagement, or address specific issues affecting the local area. By implementing a well-defined action plan, local government officials can effectively prioritize tasks, allocate resources, and monitor progress towards their desired outcomes.

Asset Register

An asset register is a comprehensive record of all the physical assets owned by the First Tier of Local Government. This includes buildings, vehicles, equipment, and land. The asset register helps the government keep track of their assets, monitor their condition, and plan for maintenance and replacement. It is an essential tool for effective asset management and financial planning.

Assets Photographic List

Assets Photographic List is an important tool used by the First Tier of Local Government to 
document and visually represent the assets listed on the asset register. This list consists of pictures that provide a visual reference for each asset, helping to ensure accurate and up-to-date records of the local government's resources. By 
 maintaining a photographic list of assets, the government can easily track and monitor the condition and location of its properties, infrastructure, and equipment.

Biodiversity Policy

Biodiversity policy at the First Tier of Local Government focuses on protecting and preserving the variety of plant and animal species in a specific area. This policy aims to promote sustainable development and ensure the long-term health of ecosystems. By implementing measures such as habitat restoration, conservation efforts, and education programs, local governments can play a crucial role in safeguarding biodiversity for future generations.

Business Continuity Plan

A business continuity plan is essential for the First Tier of Local Government to ensure that essential services can continue in the event of a disruption. This plan outlines the procedures and protocols to be followed to minimize the impact of any potential threats or disasters on the operations of the government. By having a comprehensive business continuity plan in place, the First Tier of Local Government can ensure the safety and well-being of its residents, maintain public services, and protect critical infrastructure.


The budget for the First Tier of Local Government for the years 2024 and 2025 is crucial for providing essential services to the community. It is important to carefully allocate funds to ensure that resources are used efficiently and effectively. By planning and managing the budget effectively, the First Tier of Local Government can meet the needs of the residents and promote the overall well-being of the community.

Co-option Application Form

The co-option application form for the First Tier of Local Government allows interested individuals to apply for a position on the council through a formal process. This form typically requires candidates to provide personal information, qualifications, and reasons for wanting to serve on the council. The completion of this form is an important step in the co-option process, as it helps the council make informed decisions about who to appoint to vacant positions.

Complaints Procedure

Complaints procedures are an important aspect of the First Tier of Local Government. If you have a concern or issue that you would like to raise, it is essential to follow the correct procedures outlined by your local council. This ensures that your complaint is taken seriously and dealt with in a timely manner. By following the complaints procedure, you can help to improve the services provided by your local government and contribute to a better community for everyone.

Code of Conduct

In the context of the First Tier of Local Government, a code of conduct is a set of rules and guidelines that govern the behaviour and 
actions of elected officials and employees. This code ensures that individuals in positions of power act ethically, transparently, and in the best interests of the community they serve. 

By adhering to a code of conduct, local government officials can maintain trust and 

accountability with their constituents, fostering a positive relationship between government and the public.

Civility and Respect

Civility and respect are essential values in maintaining a harmonious and productive environment within the First Tier of Local Government. By treating fellow members, staff, and constituents with courtesy and consideration, we can foster a culture of collaboration and mutual respect. Embracing these principles ensures that all voices are heard and valued, leading to better decision-making and ultimately, a stronger and more inclusive community.

Community Engagement Policy

Community engagement policy in the context of the First Tier of Local Government is essential for fostering a strong and inclusive community. By actively involving residents in decision-making processes, local governments can ensure that policies and services meet the needs of the community. This can be done through public consultations, community forums, and other forms of engagement that allow residents to have a voice in shaping their local area. By prioritizing community engagement, local governments can build trust, transparency, and collaboration with their residents, ultimately leading to a more vibrant and connected community.

Dates for Meetings

In the First Tier of Local Government, meetings are typically scheduled on specific dates to discuss important issues affecting the community. These meetings serve as a platform for residents to voice their concerns and for local officials to make decisions that impact the area. It is important for all stakeholders to be aware of the dates for these meetings so they can participate and contribute to the decision-making process.

Disciplinary and Grievance Policy

In the First Tier of Local Government, disciplinary and grievance policies are put in place to ensure that employees are treated fairly and consistently. These policies outline the procedures that need to be followed when addressing issues of misconduct or poor performance, as well as providing a framework for employees to raise concerns about their treatment in the workplace. By having clear policies in place, the First Tier of Local Government can maintain a positive working environment and address any issues that may arise in a timely and effective manner.

Equal Opportunities Policy

Equal opportunities policy in the context of the First Tier of Local Government ensures that all      individuals have the same opportunities for employment, promotion, and training regardless of their gender, race, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic. This policy aims to create a fair and inclusive work environment where everyone has the chance to succeed based on their skills and abilities.

Freedom of information

The Freedom of Information policy in the context of the First Tier of Local Government is essential for promoting transparency and accountability. This policy ensures that citizens have the right to access information held by their local government, allowing them to make informed decisions and hold their elected officials accountable. By promoting openness and access to information, the Freedom of Information policy helps to build trust between the government and the community it serves. It also allows for greater public participation in the decision-making process, ultimately leading to a more democratic and responsive government.

Grant Awarding Policy

The grant awarding policy in the context of the First Tier of Local Government outlines the criteria and process by which grants are allocated to various community projects and initiatives. This policy ensures transparency and accountability in the distribution of funds, and aims to support projects that have a positive impact on the local community. By following this policy, the First Tier of Local Government can effectively allocate resources to projects that align with their priorities and goals, ultimately benefiting the residents and stakeholders of the community.

Grant Application Form

When applying for a grant from the First Tier of Local Government, it is important to carefully fill out the grant application form. This form will ask for detailed information about your project or program, including the goals, budget, and timeline. Be sure to provide all necessary documentation and follow the guidelines outlined in the application form to increase your chances of receiving funding.

General Revenue Reserves Policy

. Purpose

The purpose of the General Revenue Reserves Policy is to ensure that the Parish Council maintains adequate financial reserves to meet unexpected costs and emergencies, ensuring the smooth operation of the Council's functions.

2. Policy Scope

This policy applies to the Parish Council's general revenue reserves, including unrestricted funds not earmarked for specific projects or purposes.

3. Objectives

  • To maintain a level of reserves sufficient to cover unforeseen expenditure.
  • To ensure that the Parish Council can continue to operate and deliver its services in the event of unexpected financial challenges.
  • To provide financial stability and sustainability for the Parish Council.

4. Target Level of Reserves

  • The Parish Council aims to hold reserves equivalent to between 3 to 12 months of net revenue expenditure. The exact amount will be reviewed annually and adjusted based on risk assessments and future financial planning.

5. Usage of Reserves

  • Emergencies: Reserves can be used to address unexpected financial emergencies, such as natural disasters, significant infrastructure failures, or urgent community needs.
  • Operational Shortfalls: Reserves can cover short-term operational deficits, ensuring that services continue without interruption.
  • Planned Expenditures: While reserves are primarily for unforeseen costs, they can also support planned projects that exceed budget estimates or require additional funding.

6. Monitoring and Review

  • The Finance Committee will review the level of reserves quarterly and report to the Parish Council.
  • An annual review will be conducted to assess the adequacy of the reserves, considering the Council’s risk exposure and financial outlook.
  • Adjustments to the target level of reserves will be recommended based on the outcomes of these reviews.

7. Governance

  • The Parish Clerk is responsible for managing the reserves and ensuring compliance with this policy.
  • Any use of reserves must be approved by a resolution of the Parish Council, except in emergency situations where the Parish Clerk, in consultation with the Chair, may authorize spending, with retrospective approval from the Council.

Insurance Public Liability Certificate

A public liability certificate is an important document that provides protection for the First Tier of Local Government. It ensures that the council is covered in the event of any claims made against them for property damage or personal injury. This certificate is essential for the council to carry out their duties and responsibilities effectively, giving peace of mind to both the council and the public.

Internal Review Check list

An internal review checklist is an essential tool for the First Tier of Local Government to ensure that all processes and procedures are being followed correctly. This checklist helps to identify any areas that may need improvement and ensures that the government is operating efficiently and effectively. By regularly reviewing and updating this checklist, the First Tier of Local Government can continue to provide high-quality services to its residents and maintain transparency and accountability in its operations.

General Risk Assessment 

General Risk Assessment is a crucial process in the context of the First Tier of Local Government. It involves identifying, analyzing, and evaluating potential risks that could impact the organization's ability to achieve its objectives. By conducting a thorough risk assessment, local governments can proactively manage risks and implement strategies to mitigate them, ultimately ensuring the safety and well-being of their communities.

Lone Working Policy

A lone working policy is essential for ensuring the safety and well-being of employees who work independently in the First Tier of Local Government. This policy outlines procedures and guidelines for lone workers to follow, such as regular check-ins, emergency contact information, and risk assessments. By implementing a comprehensive lone working policy, the First Tier of Local Government can protect its employees and create a secure working environment.

Petition Policy

In the First Tier of Local Government, petition policy plays a crucial role in allowing residents to voice their concerns and opinions on various issues affecting their community. Petitions are a formal way for citizens to request action or change from their local government, and can address a wide range of topics such as infrastructure improvements, public services, or environmental issues. The process for submitting a petition may vary depending on the specific policies of the local government, but typically involves collecting a certain number of signatures from residents in support of the petition. Ultimately, petition policy helps to ensure that the voices of the community are heard and considered in the decision-making process of the First Tier of Local Government.

Email Privacy Notice

As a resident of the First Tier of Local Government, we take your privacy seriously. This email serves as a notice that any personal information collected from you will only be used for official government purposes and will not be shared with any third parties without your consent. Your privacy is important to us, and we are committed to protecting it in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations.

Procedural Document to cover Key Financial Actions

A Procedural Document is essential for covering Key Financial Actions within the First Tier of Local Government. This document outlines the steps and guidelines for handling financial matters such as budgeting, revenue collection, expenditure approval, and financial reporting. By following this document, local government officials can ensure transparency, accountability, and efficiency in managing public funds.

Scheme of Delegation

The Scheme of Delegation in the context of the First Tier of Local Government refers to the allocation of decision-making powers and responsibilities to different levels of authority within the local government structure. This scheme outlines the specific roles and functions of the various bodies and individuals involved in governing the local area, ensuring that decisions are made efficiently and effectively. By clearly defining the delegation of powers, the Scheme of Delegation helps to streamline the decision-making process and ensure accountability within the local government system.

Staff and Councillor Training and Development Policy Quality

Staff and Councillor Training and Development Policy is crucial in the context of the First Tier of Local Government. This policy aims to provide ongoing training and development opportunities for both staff members and councillors to enhance their skills and knowledge in order to better serve the community. By investing in training and development, the First Tier of Local Government can ensure that its employees are equipped to address the complex challenges facing their communities and make informed decisions that benefit the public. Additionally, this policy helps to promote a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the organization, leading to a more effective and efficient government.

Vexatious Complaints Policy

A Vexatious Complaints Policy is a necessary tool for the First Tier of Local Government to manage and address complaints that are deemed to be frivolous, repetitive, or made in bad faith. This policy helps ensure that resources are used effectively and efficiently to address legitimate concerns and maintain a fair and transparent complaints process. By having a clear policy in place, the First Tier of Local Government can effectively handle vexatious complaints and protect the integrity of their complaints system.

Councillors Agenda Reporting Sheet 

The Councillors Agenda reporting sheet is a crucial document in the First Tier of Local Government. It is completed by Councillors to provide the Clerk  a detailed overview of the back ground of a topic Councillors wish to be discussed at a meeting. It assists in giving clear information on cost and implications. This sheet helps 

councillors understand the level of detail the clerk requires to create an agenda item 

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